News and events blog for art, new projects and ideas in the pipeline

Here I will keep everyone up-to-date with all my activities, mainly art stuff but I may throw in personal news if it is exciting. I will blog as often as I can to keep the posts fresh and interesting. I can be contacted by using the button below.

Keep watching!


Hampshire Open Studio

Hampshire Open Studios (HOS) is an annual art trail where the visiting public can meet artists and see them working in their studios and galleries. In the week leading up to Bank Holiday Monday in August, over 290 studios, galleries artists and art groups open their doors to show the visiting public how and where…

News and Events

News and Events Blog

News and events blog for art, new projects and ideas in the pipeline Here I will keep everyone up-to-date with all my activities, mainly art stuff but I may throw in personal news if it is exciting. I will blog as often as I can to keep the posts fresh and interesting. I can be…

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